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Personalities in this group tie their own well-being to that of others. An excessive commitment or compassion for others or the interference in other people’s way of life can become a burden for the own life. Seven Bach Flowers strengthen the perception of the own well-being: N°3: Beech, N°8: Chicory, N°27: Rock Water, N°31: Vervain, N°32: Vine

Nr. 3 Nr 3 Bach Flower Original Beech Flower Essence Rotbuche Hêtre faggio Haya común beuk Lemon Pharma
N°3 Beech™
From €10,95
Nr. 8 Nr 8 Chicory Bach Flower Original Chicory Flower Essence Wegwarte Chicorée cicoria Achicoria cicoria Chichorei Lemon Pharma
N°8 Chicory™
From €11,45
Nr. 27 Nr 27 Bach Flower Original Rock Water Flower Essence Heilkräftiges Quellwasser Eau de Roche acqua di sorgente Agua de roca Bronwater Lemon Pharma
N°27 Rock Water™
From €11,45
Nr. 31 Nr 31 Bach Flower Original Vervain Flower Essence Eisenkraut verveine verbena Ijzerhard Lemon Pharma
N°31 Vervain™
From €11,45
Nr. 32 Nr 32 Bach Flower Original Vine FLower Essence Weinrebe vigne vite Vid Wijnstok Lemon Pharma
N°32 Vine™
From €11,45
Bach flower pets animals drops agression Lemon Pharma